Today was a little hectic. My Dad had surgery today, so, the kids and I were alone most of the day. It was also crazy trying to get my school done and helping the kids with theirs and not shooting myself in the process. I got done school at a fairly decent hour, so I had a little time to sew this pouch/bag and do some other crafty stuff. "I got I full 40 minutes and I had time to build that rocking horse." I am actually glad I don't have a professional camera right now, because if I did, you guys would be able to see my crappy buttonholes. I stink at buttonholes. I've read a mullion tutorials about how to sew a buttonhole by hand and with a machine, but I still can't get the hang of it. My buttonholes look like some animal ate a hole in the the fabric and I'm trying to deceive myself that its a hole for a button. I love buttons! I have quite a collection now ,thanks to my family and Emily Witter. I see buttons in the store and go "that's pretty, I'll get some", but only when I get home do I remember that I have to make a hole in fabric for that button. And make that hole look nice.
You try to sew one and then you'll understand where I'm coming from.
Anyway, enough of my ranting.
Here are pictures of the bag /pouch thing I made. I thinking about using my fabric scraps to make a bunch of them for future gifts.

I made this one a few months ago, I love this fabric from Ikea :)
I've used it so much, that I have almost none left in my stash. (sniff)