I do feel bad that I haven't been blogging faithfully. I think my last post was a month ago. Whoops. I have been up to a lot of crafty things, so don't worry. I started knitting again (much to my mothers delight) as you can see by the smidgen of a sock above.
Decoupage-ing some stuff right now. Canvas, notebooks.
The results of my bargain hunting at IKEA. The green fabric was 49 cents and I was able to get the patterned slipcover for 99 cents. Its going to be made into a beach bag. :D

The Black and green fabric was probably the most expensive thing I got at IKEA. $3 for half a yard. The black and white fabric was also 99 cents (smiles smugly). I got some fat quarters at the local quilt shop.

Yes, another doodle. Tell me when you grow tired of them.